Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1301

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1301

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1301

Chapter 1301 Women Are Soft–Hearted

Gilbert tugged on his tie as he spoke, visibly irritated. His tone was full of resentment and a hint of saltiness.

“Honestly, I think you deserved it. She put you first a few years ago, but you dismissed it,” Kelvin sneered.

Gilbert instantly narrowed his eyes into a dangerous look and said, “Get out!”

“Tsk. Honest advice may be unpleasant to hear, but you know I’m right,” Kelvin said with a smile, not leaving the room. “Actually, you don’t have to be mad. Just be there through everything she does. If she’s worried about someone, pretend to worry about that person too. Listen to everything she says and obey her wishes. I’m sure she’ll change her mind about you.”

Gilbert looked at Kelvin expressionlessly. “I’m not you,” he said.

“Oh, why don’t you get it? You must bear this anger if you want her to change her mind and focus on you. Besides, losing your temper will only annoy her more and make her feel that you’re narrow- minded. Just do what I say, be gentle, understanding, and considerate toward her, and everything will fall into place!” Kelvin said enthusiastically.

Gilbert was full of disdain. He leaned against the chair, held the cigarette in his mouth, and said, She’s different from Gracie. Her heart is cruel.”

“I’m telling you, women are soft–hearted. Just test it out if you don’t believe me.”

“Look who’s the master of emotions. Somehow, I remember you saying that love is difficult and that you’ll never love again. You also kept bugging me and asking how to win a woman’s heart back. But

look at you now, the master of emotions after being nourished by love for several years. “Gilbert’s tone was highly sarcastic.

Kelvin was getting red. “Can you please stop mentioning the embarrassing things that happened in past?”

Gilbert shot him a look and ignored him.

The ancestral hall was hidden deep in the innermost part of the backyard, surrounded by trees. It was unclear if it was cold that night, but Kisa felt a chill. Fortunately, Arthur was with her.

“You’ve cost us our family reputation!” Kisa heard Mr. Mullen Sr. yell before reaching the ancestral hall. She and Arthur looked at each other, and the two hid behind the pillars on the side of the hall. Kisa then poked her head out to look inside. The light in the ancestral hall was dim since only candles were lit. There were many Mullen family ancestral portraits in the hall, which were rather terrifying to look at.

Anthony knelt in front of the altar, facing the pictures of his ancestors. Jane stood at the side with her head lowered as she bowed. Arthur’s father was also there, standing together with Mr. Mullen Sr.

“Dad, the news has died down. Maybe we should just forget it.”

“So what if the news has died down? He won’t be able to stop himself from getting together with that lowly cheap-*ss b*tch in the future.”

Jane’s head lowered even more when she heard him say that. Suddenly, Anthony sarcastically laughed. “Is that the same reason why you got together with my mom? You couldn’t stop yourself?

“You *sshole!” Mr. Mullen Sr. was so angry that he hit Anthony’s back with his cane, and Anthony fell forward.

Jane’s face turned pale with fright when she saw that. She hastily kneeled on the ground, holding Anthony in her arms as she begged, “He’s not in the best condition right now. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Please, dad, don’t blame him; that b*tch is the one who lured him. I’ll talk to him. Please. I’ll talk him out of it.”

“Get up and get out of the way! How dare you stand before my elders?!”

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