Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1302

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1302

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1302

Chapter 1302 Fooling Around

Jane’s face changed. She got up and stood aside, wiping her tears. Kisa watched the whole thing quietly. ‘Why can’t she stand before the Mullen family ancestors? Is it because the Mullen family did not accept her? Is it because she has no status in the family?‘ Kisa thought.

Anthony clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged. It was unclear if he was angry or trying to restrain himself from doing something stupid.

Suddenly, Mr. Mullen Sr. threw a newspaper at Anthony’s face. “Look at all the amazing sh*t you’ve done. I’m not going to comment on the incident at the bar, but everyone on the streets saw you and Karen hitting that woman in broad daylight. It’s all over the news! Do you know what the headline reads?”

Anthony knelt with his back straight without moving an inch.

“[Anthony Mullen’s Private Life–Chaotic: Fools Around and Causes Fight Between Two Women. The Mullen Family Lacks Decency.] Our family is well–known in Athadale. Tell me, where do I show my face now that you’ve done something like this?! Huh?!” Mr. Mullen Sr. roared.

“That had nothing to do with Anthony. It’s all Ms. Reyes. She was the one who suddenly went crazy and beat up that woman,” Jane quickly defended him.

“Would something like that have happened if he didn’t get together with those women? Also, don’t forget you helped the Reyes family. Do you no longer want to stay in this house anymore?” Mr.

Mullen Sr. snorted.

Jane’s face turned pale, and she did not dare to answer. Mr. Mullen Sr. was mad; he continued to hit Anthony with his cane a few more times, each time harder than the next. Arthur was so anxious that he

grabbed onto the wooden pillar and almost rushed in. In the end, Albert was the one who spoke up. “Okay, dad, that should be enough. I don’t think he can stand any more beatings.”

Mr. Mullen Sr. was still angry. “And what’s this about that woman bearing your child? Is that lowly woman actually pregnant with your child?!” he yelled.

“No, no…” Before Anthony could reply, Jane hurriedly said, “It’s all made up. Mr. Kooper’s wife said it just to stop Anthony from marrying Ms. Reyes. Anthony’s always been very discreet. There’s no way that lowly woman is pregnant with a Mullen.”

“Was I talking to you?” Mr. Mullen Sr. cast a cold glance at Jane. “I was talking to him!” he said, pointing at Anthony with his cane.

Anthony did not say anything for a while. Suddenly, Jane cried, “Anthony, your father asked you a question. Tell him you were just fooling around with that woman. Tell him you didn’t take her seriously.”

After a long time, Anthony finally spoke. His tone was full of sarcasm. “She’s just a pawn. I used her to deal with Gilbert and Kisa, of course I was just playing with her.”

Jane was visibly relieved when she heard that.

However, Kisa’s heart turned cold. ‘Lea’s not in the best condition. If I tell her about how ruthless Anthony is, it’d only make her feel even more sad and hopeless,‘ she thought.

Mr. Mullen Sr.’s anger seemed to have subsided a little. “Since you were only fooling around, it would be best to draw a clear line. Don’t let those cheap women pester you anymore. As for the child, all I can say is that that woman isn’t worthy to bear a Mullen. Don’t let the media catch you again. There are many people in Athadale who want to bring our family down. You are to kneel here and reflect on yourself for the whole of next week,” he said coldly and left the ancestral hall.

Arthur quickly rushed to Kisa’s side, but the pillar was not big enough for them both, and Kisa was exposed. “Who’s there?!”

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