Reborn Through Fire

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1304

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1304

Reborn Through Fire By Kazuya Higan Chapter 1304

Chapter 1304 Hidden Treasure

Albert gave Arthur a sharp look at said to Kisa, “I advise you to stop being so curious, Mrs. Kooper. That place is exclusive to my dad, and no one else is allowed to go in and see it, let alone an outsider like yourself. You should probably forget about it, Mrs. Kooper.”

“Oh, wow. That sounds mysterious.” Kisa laughed meaningfully, “The thing is, the more mysterious you make it seem, the more curious I get.”

“Curious, huh?” Mr. Mullen Sr. tapped his cane on the ground. “Then try to control yourself,” he chuckled. “As my eldest son said, no one is eligible to enter that place except me. I even have guards standing by in there. So you should suppress your curiosity, Mrs. Kooper. My family won’t be responsible if something unfortunate happens.”

“Ha-ha. What kind of treasure do you have in there that you need people to guard the place?”

Mr. Mullen Sr.’s face was flushed red when he seemed to have thought of something. He stroked his beard and said, “There is a hidden treasure inside, but you people are not qualified to go in and see.”

“What kind of treasure?” Arthur subconsciously asked. Albert immediately slapped him on the back of his head and shouted, “Don’t ask! Even if it is the rarest treasure in the world, it still belongs to your grandfather.”

Arthur rubbed the back of his head, looked at his father sadly, and did not dare to ask any more questions.

Suddenly, Mr. Mullen Sr. said, “Yes, don’t raise questions you shouldn’t ask, and don’t go to that area out of curiosity. The guards I have there won’t care who you are.”

“Yes, dad,” Albert quickly nodded in respect.

Kisa’s eyes dimmed slightly. ‘It seems that he’s hiding a secret there. I mean, there’s no reason for him to be so guarded against his own family if that wasn’t the case.’

“Hurry up! She’ll be back soon!”

“Can’t you see I’m trying?!”

As soon as Kisa entered the room, she was shocked by the sight in front of her. She saw two tall men standing by the window, each holding a thin magazine, fanning it out the window.

“W-What are you guys doing?”

Kelvin turned around in an instant when he heard that voice and laughed, “Gilbert was sca-”

“Shut up!” Gilbert said, elbowing Kelvin’s side to shut him up.

Kelvin felt the pain. He held onto his waist as he glared at him and said, “You deserve to be misunderstood with that personality of yours!”

Gilbert ignored him, sat back on the chair, and turned to read the magazine with a focused look on his face.

Kelvin continued to insult him, “Women don’t like you? Well, serves you right!”

Kisa paid no attention to Gilbert. Instead, she looked at Kelvin happily and said, “When did you arrive?”

“Just this afternoon.” After he said that, Kelvin sighed again, “Speaking of which, although Anthony is evil, the hospitality of the Mullen family is really out of this world. The whole house welcomed me and even arranged the best guest room for me when I arrived.”

Kisa graciously poured him a glass of water and said, “You’re here to look at Ms. Mullen’s legs. Of course they treat you as their guest of honor.”

She handed Kelvin the water and sat across from him as she looked at him excitedly, completely oblivious to the gloomy-faced man next to him.

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