The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 236

Chapter 236: Stat Boost

After coming to a decision, Daichi quickly made his way to the lab and found the other two medics.

"You're back. Since you're going to stubbornly move forward with this plan, have you given any thoughts about your next step?" The blonde Sannin crossed her arms and asked the boy.

The gamer ninja nodded his head and created a shadow clone. "I have an idea but I'm going to need to prepare a few things first. I'm going to artificially mature the crossbred herbs and plants and then I'll need to synthesize the enzymes from the 27 specimens. I could use some help from you with that, sensei."

Tsunade nodded and both her and Daichi's clone got to work.

"Anything I can do?" Shizune asked the boy.

Daichi turned his head and nodded. "Yes. Can you get me a sample of every snake venom the hospital has currently available?"

At that request Shizune was confused. "Why do you need snake venom?"

Tsunade, who was listening to the conversation, slightly narrowed her eyes but continued on with her work with no other reaction.

Hearing Shizune's question the boy held a mysterious smirk which made the woman sigh. "Fine. Keep your secret. I'll get you your samples. It's gonna take a while though."

"I know. Thank you senpai." The Genin replied with a smile and moments later Tsunade's companion headed out to the Fire Capital hospital.

"I'll see you in a few hours, sensei."

The Sannin silently nodded and Daichi left to go find his grandfather. He found the man sitting in a corner in Jin's room with a somber expression.

Sensing his grandson's arrival Kensei spoke without turning his head away from the sleeping man. "I've known him for a long time. We grew up together. Became shinobi together. Went on so many missions with both of us watching out for the other… After my son and my daughter in law died in the attack, he was there for me. After Fumiyo passed away, he was there for me."

Kensei turned his head to look at his grandson and Daichi could see a small trail of tears running down the old man's cheeks. "Jin was there for me long before I had my son, long before I met my wife. And he was there for me long after they all were gone. And I… I haven't even been able to return a fraction of the support and kindness he has shown me over decades. I regret that."

Daichi slowly walked to the old man and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry. When I'm done with my treatment, you'll have plenty of time to make up for that regret."

The old ninja nodded and his gaze went back to his friend while Daichi made his way to another room to prepare.


Daichi was in the guest room meditating alone for a few hours. He was thinking about the next move he was going to make and the long term effects.

'I need to increase the power of my Parallel Processing skill. And for that high Intelligence stat is necessary and high Wisdom is also needed. But there will be another limitation. My body or more specifically my brain. It's the most energy consuming organ in the body since it's so full of nerve cells. So if I want to efficiently use my brain I need to increase my Vitality and get it to 500 as well.'

Daichi opened the status page and looked at the three stats he wanted to improve.

[Vitality - 494]

[Intelligence - 312]

[Wisdom - 257]

Daichi closed his eyes and sighed. 'It won't be long before I start to come across stronger and stronger opponents. Fighting them with sheer brute force won't be enough all the time. I'll need to outmaneuver and outthink the crafty ones. Using stats now will be beneficial in the long run. With Vitality my brain will have the needed energy to operate and with high Intelligence and Wisdom stats, I'm sure the restrictions on Parallel Processing skill will significantly be reduced… I wonder what kind of skills I'll get when I upgrade these stats.'

Daichi opened his eyes and looked at his status page and the stat points he had accumulated. 'Letting them just accumulate without using them won't help much. Guess it's time for another powerup.'

The first stat Daichi improved was Vitality. He added 6 points and brought it to 500.

[Vitality - 494 + 6 → 500]

As another stat reached 500 points new system messages appeared.

[Vitality stat has reached 500.]

[HP formula is revised.]

[You have gained the new skill 'Enhanced Life-Force'.]

[Enhanced Life-Force - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the player when Vitality has reached 500. The skill gives the user enhanced life energy and also augments physical capabilities. The user's stamina, health and regeneration also gains a massive boost.]

The moment the notification appeared Daichi felt the energy flood through his body. The vitality and power flowing through his veins made him feel like he was at the top of the world.

'The dopamine levels in my body must be really high. I feel pretty fucking good.'

At that moment another notification came up. And reading the details only made Daichi grin wider.

[This skill will grant a one time permanent stat boost to Strength, Agility, Chakra and Stamina stats.]

[Strength - 313 + 20 → 333]

[Agility - 317 + 10 → 327]

[Chakra - 608 + 15 → 623]

[Stamina - 419 + 30 → 449]

'Wow. I knew I would get a strong skill but a 75 stat bonus as well. That's pretty sweet… Ok. Time to move on to the next stat.'

[Wisdom - 257 + 43 → 300]

The next stat the gamer Genin chose was the Wisdom stat. Daichi added 43 points and brought it to 300 and only needed to wait a couple seconds for the results.

[Wisdom stat has reached 300.]

[You have gained the new skill 'Brain Augmentation'.]

[Brain Augmentation - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the player when Wisdom stat has reached 300. This skill gives the player the ability to increase his brain capabilities. The user has enhanced thinking capabilities beyond ordinary but this isn't achieved by increasing intelligence but instead by enhancing the ability to use already existing knowledge and abilities to their maximum potential.]


[Skill helps with intuitive leaps and imaginations.]

[Highly efficient memory and cognitive capacities.]

[Gives the ability to use knowledge in new ways.]

Daichi closed his eyes and felt the effects the skill had on his brain. He felt the shackles he never knew he had, break away. New ideas and techniques, new ways to modify his pill formulas, battle plans… All these were forming in Daichi's mind.

The boy opened his eyes and let out a deep breath of air. 'So many things to do. So little time. But then again... I can remedy that problem with the shadow clones.'

As Daichi felt the effects of the new skill, just like the previous time, a stat boost notification appeared.

[This skill will grant a one time permanent stat boost to Sense stat.]

[Sense - 156 + 25 → 181]

Daichi smiled as he looked at the result. 'A stat increase in special stat is very welcome. Thank you system. Now for the final one.'

[Intelligence - 312 + 188 → 500]

[Intelligence stat has reached 500.]

[MP formula is revised.]

[Skill Mana Manipulation has leveled up.] x5

[Skill Mana Affinity has leveled up.] x5


[Most restrictions on the skill Parallel Processing have been removed.]

[Most restrictions on Mana Affinity have been removed.]

[You have gained the new skill 'Hypercognition']


[Hypercognition - Passive (LV. MAX): This skill is given to the player when Intelligence stat has reached 500. This skill gives the user the ability to perform complex mental operations far beyond normal. This makes their mental actions/process of acquiring knowledge through thought, experience and senses far greater than the average person.]

Daichi shut his eyes close as he felt hundreds of random information and ideas bombard his mind. But the next second the gamers mind activated and Daichi felt his mind become calm. He took several deep breaths of air and opened his eyes.

The young Genin looked around the room in wonder and took in all the information around. He went near a window and looked outside to the courtyard.

Daichi saw a small bird chirping on a nearby tree branch. It was mostly blue with the tip of its wings tinged in red and green color. His mind slowed down as he looked at the scene. With his sharp senses Daichi saw the bird's legs tense as if it was going to take off.

And a few moments later he was proven right. He saw the bird spread its wings and take off from the branch in slow motion. And as it reached near the top of the tree, Daichi saw a well camouflaged snake lunge at the small avian creature with its mouth wide open and its poisonous fangs ready to pierce and inject the creature with its venom. Seconds later the small blue bird was in the mouth of the snake struggling to break free, but its efforts were futile. The snake devoured its prey and went back into hiding up in the tree.

The boy saw everything happen in slow motion and he let out a deep breath of air and blinked.

The next moment when Daichi opened his eyes he was taken back when he saw the bird alive and well, standing in the same pose with its wings spread, atop the branch ready to take off. He saw the bird ascend into the air and become prey to the snake when it reached the apex of the tree. It was exactly like he had seen before.

It was then that Daichi realized that what he saw the first time was a simulation created by his brain with the information available in front of him.

"Wow… So that's what that feels like." He looked on in wonder and couldn't help but mutter.

'My mental abilities have exceeded far beyond what I expected. With this so many new doors have just opened to me... Now I'm certain I'll be able to solve Jin's problem. But before that… Status.'

Daichi's status page appeared in front of him.

[Name : Daichi Hekima] (The Gamer)

[Class : Genin - ID 012559.]

[Age : 12]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Species King, Dungeon Warrior, Executioner, Assassin, Mighty Healer, Slug Sannin's Apprentice, Master of the Elements, A Genius of the Continent, Dungeon Master.]

[Level : 61 (2630/95175)


HP : 50040

CP : 105744

SP : 51085

MP: 42020


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 333

Vitality - 500

Dexterity - 257

Agility - 327 josei

Intelligence - 500

Chakra - 623

Wisdom - 300


[Special Stats]

Sense - 181

Stamina - 449

Indomitable - 53

Charisma - 71

Persistence - 49

Dignity - 20

Luck - 24


[Stat Points - 261]

[Ryo - 31106100]

'261 points remaining. I'll save them for later. Right now this is enough.'

He looked at the clock and saw that almost 3 hours had passed since his meeting with Tsunade and Kensei. 'They should be ready by now.'

Daichi exited the room and made his way to the lab where Tsunade and Shizune were helping Shadow clone Daichi with his preparations.

The three turned to the real Daichi when he entered the room and while Shizune was oblivious to Daichi's change, Tsunade immediately sensed that something was different with her apprentice. The same went for the clone but it knew what the reason behind the change was but the other medic could only sense this due to the time they spent together.

Tsunade looked at her student and frowned. 'Something's changed. He feels different. But it's definitely him.'

It was only a few seconds later that Tsunade realized what was bothering her. It was the way Daichi looked at her, her student and at everything else around the room. The look Daichi had wasn't one of lust or desire but a gaze of cold hard calculations. For some reason when Daichi looked at her she felt like she was under a microscope.

The Sannin closed her eyes and slightly shook her head as if to get rid of her negative thoughts. 'I must be going crazy. He's the same person he was ten minutes ago.'

She let go of her thoughts and decided to move on to more pressing matters.

"So Daichi, are you ready?"

The boy nodded his head. "Yes. Let's begin."


Author's note.

Something I want to point out is that Daichi's new abilities won't stunt his emotions anymore than they already have.. he'll be the same guy who laughs and jokes(the few jokes he makes normally anyway) around but he would become a lot more serious when the situation calls for it.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre (No space)

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