The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 237

Chapter 237: Quest: Heal Jin 02

Daichi released the shadow clone in the room and got the information needed. 'It seems everything is ready. They did their part. Now it's my turn.'

The boy turned to the two other medics in the room and spoke. "There are a couple things I need to set up before I start my analysis."

Tsunade and Shizune nodded, curious as to what their student was going to do. The boy created several new clones and looked at their Mana points. '75% of my total Mana. Good. They will be able to help but I need to make sure of all the variables.'

Once the shadow clones were created Daichi took out a scroll and gave it some chakra. Several IV bags appeared filled with clear liquid.

Seeing the contents of the scroll Tsunade took one and ran some chakra through it. "These are energy boosters. Based on a cursory reading they're even better than the ones I have." She turned to the boy with a raised eyebrow.

Daichi smiled at his teacher and spoke. "I came across some rare ingredients and incorporated them into my formula."

At that moment a clone came up with a small stand and set the booster bags on them. Daichi sat down in a corner of the lab and the clone attached the drip needles to the Genin's vein.

"What exactly do you need these for? You don't look tired or exhausted." Shizune asked.

"I may not be now, but if I don't have these then soon I will be. My body is going to need a massive amount of energy for what I'm going to do next." The Genin replied.

"And what exactly are you going to do next?" Tsunade had her arms crossed and asked the boy.

"You'll see." Seeing Daichi's non answer and his smirk annoyed the blonde woman.

As all this was happening one of the clones opened the skill list and checked the MP cost and the other details of the Parallel Parallel Processing skill. A few seconds later it dispelled.

The real Daichi got the information from the clone and closed his eyes. 'As expected. The Shadow clones will have 75% of the Mana I have at the time of their creation. This is an advantage. But the disadvantage is that the MP cost for Mana techniques is a lot higher for them than it is for me. They won't be able to maintain it for very long… Still, I can make this work.'

Daichi opened his eyes and looked at everything. 'Right now my Parallel Processing skill consumes 92 MP per minute. Based on the total Mana I have right now I can maintain that skill for roughly 7.6 hours. The shadow clones won't be able to keep going for that long but they will definitely be of help in this endeavor. Then I'll have to sleep for my mind to become optimal again.'

The preparations were done and Daichi looked at Tsunade and spoke. "You asked me what I needed the energy boosters for? Well, I developed a technique that can increase the functions of my brain but I'm certain that it will use up energy. I'm not sure by how much. That's why I have the IV bags." josei

The medic Sannin narrowed her eyes as she looked at the child. "What kind of technique?"

"You can see for yourself once I activate it."

The woman let out a short breath of air as she looked at her former student. "Daichi, you and I both know that tampering with your brain shouldn't be done recklessly. Are you absolutely sure about this?"

"I am. And besides, you're here if anything goes wrong. So I'm not going to worry." The Genin had a smirk as he let out a deep breath. The joyful expression vanished and was replaced with one of total focus.

In front of Daichi the enzymes extracted from the 27 plant specimens, a sample of Jin's blood and several snake venoms were present. Daichi created 7 shadow clones a few minutes ago. Daichi and 5 of his clones sat down in a circle around the items. Another clone was checking the vital signs of the it's creator while the last one was working on modifying several formulas for different medicines.

"Let's not waste anymore time." With that Daichi and his clones placed their hands above the samples in front of them and went through 4 hand seals in perfect unison. The next moment their palms glowed green and their chakra was probing the items below.

Daichi looked at the jutsu he's using and already new information was filling his brain. 'Absolute cellular analysis techniques. This jutsu will help me in analyzing all organic compounds right down to their cellular level. I can gain information on the compound including the chemical make-up, potency and side effects. This will also help me with observing the molecular composition, their cellular structure and how they would interact with the other.'

This jutsu was a modified version and a combination of other medical analysis jutsu Daichi had in his arsenal.

'Time to start the next phase of my operation.'

The boy looked at the clones and gave a nod. The real Daichi along with his 5 shadow clones activated the Parallel Processing skill immediately. The Genin closed his eyes as information began to flood his brain.

Daichi started identifying the genetic structure and properties of the samples in front of him and began the task of finding the right combination between the right samples. He would then analyze the data to the sample of Jin's blood and the boy would know the results.

Thousands of calculations and combinations were running through his brain each second. His enormous task of identifying the right compounds and thus identifying the poison has begun.


The 6th shadow clone was running his green palms over Daichi's head. It was tasked with making sure that there were no abnormalities within his real body. 'So far so good. All functions seem to be at optimum level. Heartbeat, blood pressure… all stable. And it seems I was right. Energy consumption has increased but thanks to the high vitality there isn't much problem'

At that moment Tsunade and Shizune came near the boy. They stared at the child in silence and it looked like Daichi was in a deep trance or meditation.

"What's going on? What is he doing?" The older medical ninja asked the clone in a low tone.

"See for yourself. You'll understand when you do." The clone replied and Tsunade carefully went near the real Daichi. She placed her hands a few centimeters above his head and they started glowing green as she examined Daichi brain activities.

Several seconds later Tsunade's eyes widened as she sensed what was happening in the boy's head. She kept her jutsu up for over a minute to make sure there wasn't a mistake in what she was sensing.

Stopping her chakra flow a few moments later, Tsunade took several steps back and looked at the boy in complete astonishment. "Impossible." She couldn't help but mutter the words.

"What? What is it, Lady Tsunade?" Shizune asked. Rarely did she ever see such a surprised expression from her teacher.

"His brain… It's functioning at speeds I can't even fathom."

"What do you mean by that my lady?" Shizune didn't understand the implications her teacher made.

The Sannin was silent as she turned to the shadow clone keeping an eye on the real Daichi's vitals.

"What did you do? What jutsu did you use?" Tsunade asked the clone in a serious tone.

"It's something that I created a short while ago. With it I can retain and recall vast amounts of data and quickly process them in a short time. It helps me process information faster but there are drawbacks. I need to be in a calm environment and I need lots of energy for it to function." The clone replied. 'Don't need to tell them the true extent of my abilities. Not yet anyway…'

"I'm confused. Couldn't you already do that? I remember you saying so during Tsunade sensei's test." Shizune spoke.

The Sannin shook her head as she looked at the girl. "It's not the same Shizune."

Seeing the girl's questioning gaze, Sannin explained her findings. "The strength of the synaptic connections in his hippocampus is far greater than in any other brain I've examined or come across. And that allows faster and more efficient communications between neurons. And moreover his brain is evaluating and processing a large amount of information at an extremely rapid rate. What would take a normal person days or weeks to calculate and analyze, Daichi can now do it in seconds..."

Shizune was starting to understand what her sensei was getting at. "But that would require highly efficient communication between different regions of the brain, particularly those involved in decision making and cognitive processing. And the way you're describing it, the neurons firing in his brain would have to be significantly faster than an ordinary person."

"It is. His neurons are firing at speeds I can't even comprehend. He's extracting information and those data are being processed in multiple regions of the brain simultaneously. His prefrontal cortex has lit up unlike anything I've ever seen." The blonde woman gave her analysis.

"How…? How did you even come up with such a technique?" She turned to the clone and asked.

"Do you remember what I said during the beginning? What my goal is?" The clone asked.

"To become the strongest."

The clone nodded and looked at the woman with a serious gaze. "I want to stand at the apex of this world but I won't get there with brute strength. Well, I can but I doubt I'd be able to stay on top for long if that was the case. There will come a time when I need to outsmart my enemies to defeat them. And the first step is to increase my brain power… Right now it's functioning at superhuman levels and this technique will immensely help me in the future."

Tsunade looked at the boy with a stoic expression. 'With his enhanced mind he'll be able to come up with new techniques, jutsus, scientific discoveries all on his own in no time. If I'm right, then he'll be able to significantly change this era when he grows up.'

Tsunade said nothing else as she looked at her student's clone. The female medic then turned her attention to the real one who was in a meditative state and just observed him for a few minutes.

"You should get some rest. This will take a while." The clone informed her.

"Well, I'll leave you to it then." With those words she left the lab with Shizune following after.


3 days went by since Daichi started using the Parallel Processing skill to analyze the plant enzymes and other samples. He would use the Mana skill for 7.5 hours before going to sleep for 3 hours and getting back to optimal level. His clones would be able to use the skill for a little over 4 hours and after Daichi wakes up from his trance the clones would dispel one by one giving him their information and findings.

[You have slept in a bed. HP, CP, SP and MP have been fully restored.]

Daichi closed the box as soon as he woke up from his 3 hour sleep.

'I'm close. I can feel it. Just one more. I just need one more try.'

Daichi headed to his spot, made 5 clones and began all over again. 4 hours later his clones dispelled one by one. Around 6 hours went by before he opened his eyes again. He had a big grin on his face as he stood and stretched.

Since he was alone in the lab Daichi immediately got to work on his findings. He took 17 small potted plants and placed 12 of them in pairs on a table. 'I need to crossbreed and create 6 hybrids from these. Then I'll need to alter their genetics by using the unique traits of the other 5. And then genetically combine all of them again and extract the enzymes from the finished sample. It needs to be done in the correct order or it won't work.'

Daichi sighed thinking of the massive amounts of work he would have to do. 'Now I'm more than sure. It was Orochimaru behind this poisoning. And if I'm right about the reason why, then we're in even bigger troubles than I thought… No. I shouldn't worry about him at this time. Right now my focus should be on Jin.'

Creating new shadow clones, Daichi immediately got to work. It took him another 3 days to complete all the tasks required to help his patient.

Daichi added a single drop of the new enzyme to a sample of Jin's blood and watched as the red liquid slowly turned purple.

'Fucking finally. Now I have a way to identify the poison and remove it. Time to inform the others.'


Author's Note:

Next chapter: Quest Completion & A Secret Meeting.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre (No space)

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