The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 243

Chapter 243: Everyone has an Agenda 01

Jan 23rd: Sound Village.

In an underground secret research lab one of the most dangerous and intelligent ninja of the world was conducting inhuman experiments.

Orochimaru stood in a small circular room and in front of him was a table with a special scroll on it. The scroll had special seals meant for testing various medical experiments and Orochimaru was in the middle of his latest project. He took a test tube filled with a green liquid and slowly brought it above the special scroll.

He tilted the test tube just enough for one drop of liquid to fall into the middle of the seal. The black sealing ink lit up blue for a couple seconds and a few moments later the green liquid turned purple. Orochimaru narrowed his eyes as he saw the results of his tests.

'Hmm.. I'm getting close. But without a viable specimen I can't go any further quickly and can only make a few more adjustments. I was right in my assumption. I need to see the effects of this on a live subject to get the final unlocking data.'

The Snake Sannin turned his attention to another table nearby. On it was a man securely strapped and unconscious, completely covered in seals save for a few areas near his chest. Orochimaru emptied the contents of the test tube into a syringe and injected the green liquid above the man's heart.

The Sannin took a couple steps back and looked on with a stoic gaze at what happened next.

Seconds after the green liquid was injected, the man groaned in his sleep. He struggled in his unconscious state and pulled on the restraint. He looked as if he was in agony but he never once opened his eyes. About a minute later his struggles stopped and he fell back on to the cold metal table, his body completely still.

Orochimaru stepped forward and removed some of the seals and frowned. 'So even after diluting, refining and reducing the power of his cells they still caused such damage. But even though he's dead his physical state is in a much better condition than the previous ones. A few more tests and I'll have refined the serum and then I'll be able to move on to my true target.'

Orochimaru took several samples from the deceased man and made some notes on the progress of his new obsession. He then secured them in a scroll and left the room.

Outside, one of his loyal subordinates was waiting for him. He bowed as he saw his master come out of the testing chamber.

"Dispose of him and bring me a new subject." Orochimaru gave the order without even glancing at the man. josei

"Yes my Lord." The servant answered, still keeping his head bowed. Before Orochimaru left his sight the loyal servant quickly spoke.

"My Lord, a message has come from one of the spies in the Land of Fire." The man raised his head and presented a scroll to the Sannin.

Orochimaru was curious to find out what it was about and so he quickly took the scroll and read through the contents. A malicious grin formed on his face and it widened as he kept reading the contents.

"Kukuku… Fascinating. So he plans to make a move huh... Hmm… This could work in my favor."

'The odds of his plan succeeding are very slim. But this is an excellent opportunity for me. Sensei will be busy with the aftermath and will be trying to clean up the mess. I can go after my target at that time.'

He looked at his subordinate and spoke. "Tell Nam to make contact with that man and arrange a meeting between the two."

"Yes my Lord." The servant bowed and quickly left.

Orochimaru made his way into another room and found one of his most loyal and powerful ninjas waiting for him.

"My Lord." The ninja bowed as he saw his master enter the room.

The Snake summoner smiled at the young man. "Kimimaro. You've arrived sooner than I expected. Is everything going on schedule?"

The last member of the Kaguya clan and the user of the Shikotsumyaku spoke. "Yes my Lord. Seven new bases were built just to your specifications and in the locations you wanted. We created them without attracting anyone's attention but moving some of the equipment will take some time since we don't want anyone to find out too soon. But it will be done my Lord. Although this will put a dent in your funds for research."

"Kukuku… Yes, I'm aware of that Kimimaro. But it's a necessity. Once my plan succeeds it will all be worth it."

"I understand Lord Orochimaru."

"Kimimaro. We need to make one small adjustment to my plans. We're moving up the timeline of the attack on my target. So I need those equipments ready by the end of next month."

The Kaguya clan member's eyes widened. "My Lord, we will need more manpower and resources for that. Otherwise-"

"I'm aware of the risks. Call Guren. She will be of service. But I need this done by the end of February. Do you understand Kimimaro?"

"Yes my Lord. It shall be done."


Leaf Village. Jan 26.

Naruto was training the chakra control exercise that Daichi taught him on the day of his birthday. Sweat was pouring down his face as he stood on his left foot atop the metal balls and wooden board. On his right hand was another wooden board with several small metal balls held in place with his chakra. The boy had his eyes tightly closed shut as he concentrated.

'Come on. I can do this. Just concentrate on my chakra flow.'

The wooden board under his leg wobbled slightly but ultimately it held firm. Naruto had been training this chakra control exercise everyday and now his hard work was beginning to show its results. The boy stood without falling for over two hours before finally stopping himself.

Naruto took in several deep breaths of air and a smile was on his face. "Yes! I did it! Oh man, that was so hard. Time to see if it helped at all."

Naruto stood straight and took in a deep breath of air and focused. He made several hand seals and quickly used a jutsu.

"Ninja art - Clone jutsu."

"Poof." In a puff of smoke an identical Naruto stood in front of the blonde Jinchuriki who had a big grin.

"Haha. I did it. I finally did it. I can use the clone jutsu. Graduation exam, here I come. I'm gonna show everyone what I can do. Now I'm one step closer to becoming Hokage, believe it!"

As he said his dream out loud the smile and joy slightly dimmed and he calmed down. 'No. I can't be Hokage unless I defeat him. I'm gonna become the strongest ninja and defeat Daichi. Only after that will I become Hokage.'

Naruto looked at the wooden boards and the small metal orbs and got back to work. 'Again. I need to train some more. I need to be better.'

The academy student concentrated on his task and thus didn't sense that he was being watched by his teacher.

Iruka stood behind a tree as he observed Naruto train. A kind smile was on the man's face as he watched the boy push himself. He was relieved when he saw Naruto finally make a decent clone.

'Looks like he got the clone jutsu down. That chakra control technique is an advanced one. So it must be Daichi who taught it. Even after leaving the academy and becoming a Genin he's still looking out for his friends.'

Iruka smiled as he saw Naruto use chakra to balance on one leg and at the same time create an illusion clone. 'Seems I don't need to worry about him graduating. With the others in his class helping him in his theoretical studies and now with his mastery of the three basic fundamentals, he's bound to pass. Still, don't get complacent Naruto… You have a long road ahead of you. Good luck.'

The academy instructor quietly left the area without alerting his presence.


Nara clan - Jan 30.

Shikamaru was in a small training ground near his home practicing his family jutsu. He remembered the words his father told him a long time ago.

'Learning the Shadow possession jutsu is a rite of passage for a Nara.'

The young Nara focused his attention on the cat several meters away. Shikamaru's eyes took in every detail around him and he made the seals.

'Shadow possession jutsu.'

His shadow quietly extended to the feline unaware of the trap coming. The young ninja in training didn't aim his shadow directly at his target. Instead he had it circle around and wanted to entrap the cat from its blind spot. The cat was sleeping under a tree and Shikamaru's shadow came from the other side.

Whether it was an inborn instinct or a sixth sense about danger, just before the shadow could connect, the cat woke up and looked around. It felt like it was in danger and jumped up to the tree but the next moment it stood paralyzed. The boy had a second shadow tendril waiting as a contingency in case the cat moved.

"Success." Shikamaru smirked and let go of his jutsu.

He took a deep breath of air and went home. He was in front of a shogi board and was playing against himself. He moved a piece as he thought about the coming days.

'Hmm… Most likely, Ino and Choji would be my teammates after graduating. But who would be our sensei? Someone from the Sarutobi clan no doubt.'

Shikamaru wasn't just thinking about the coming graduation but was concerned about the next several months. 'I heard pops saying that the Chunin exams will be held here this time in June. So there is a chance that our Jonin would recommend our team since we have the home advantage. But since we'll be a rookie team that probability is low. Still I shouldn't dismiss it.'

He moved another piece and his eyes narrowed. 'Daichi hasn't participated in the Chunin exams for whatever reason. But he'll most definitely be in this one. I'm sure of that. And if our team participates in the coming exam, we won't stand a chance against him. He would have more experience and I'm sure he's gotten a lot stronger.'

The young Nara sighed and just closed his eyes. 'Well, not that I'm going to fight him. If I'm in the Chunin exam and matched up against him, I'll just give up and try another time. Naruto and Sasuke would be more interested in fighting that guy.'

Shikamaru looked at the setting sun and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere. 'Less than 50 days until graduation. I should enjoy this time. I'll probably be busy with my mission after I get the headband… such a drag… Hmm.. Should I quit the academy and go into politics? Gramps did say he was friends with the 1st minister. He was sure he could get me some guidance if I wanted to go that path… Na. If I quit now Ino won't stop bothering me and I'd rather not have that… I'll just stop at Chunin Rank and retire after completing my mission quota… Yeah that sounds like a plan.'

The young ninja of the Nara clan smiled as he thought about his carefree life and just laid under a tree without a care in the world.


Uchiha Clan Compound - Feb 3rd.

Sasuke was home sitting in front of his parent's photo. He had tears falling down his cheeks as he looked at the picture but he never made a single sound. He thought back to the events that happened shortly before the clan was massacred. He remembered the encouraging words his father said.

'You are my son. Right now it might seem like an impossible task but sooner or later you will come out on top. Don't give up. There is nothing wrong with not being like your brother. In fact I'm glad… Follow your own path. Not your brother's.'

Sasuke clenched his fists as he recalled another memory of his mother.

'Hey, do you know. You're the one he talks about all the time. He sees how hard you're training to become the first in your class and he's proud. Sometimes he secretly watches you train and he smiles every time he tells me about it.'

The young grieving Uchiha opened his eyes and looked at the picture of his deceased parents. "Thank you for your kind words mother, father… I will make you proud. I will avenge your deaths. The deaths of everyone in our clan… I will make him pay."

Sasuke's fist clenched and he rubbed the tears from his eyes. He prayed for a few minutes and then got up to change into his training attire.

The last Uchiha of the Leaf village stood in front of several wooden stumps and Itachi's face came to his mind along with his parting words.

'My foolish brother… If you wish to kill me… curse me! Hate me! Run away and cling to your pitiful life… And then when you have the same eyes as mine… Come find me.'

The boy took a deep breath of air and remembered Daichi's words. 'You're letting your emotions control you. That won't help you in reaching your goals.'

Sasuke calmed down and got ready to train. 'I will kill you, Itachi. No matter what the cost, I will end you. Even if it's the last thing I do.'

The hate in Sasuke's heart was growing and with it the power of his chakra. The young Uchiha didn't know it at that moment but the time for his Sharingan to awaken was soon coming.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre (No space)

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