The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 244

Chapter 244: Sealing Arts

Jan 25th.

It was two hours past evening. Daichi had just completed his missions and returned home. He was currently in his backyard, meditating under a tree and going over the events that would take place in the future.

'Orochimaru would attack in the chunin exams. At that time he along with his guards would be away from his base. And he has no reason to believe that his location has been compromised. But that could change any time. With my existence any change to these events could happen. The sooner I move on my intel the better. But therein lies several problems. I need an opportunity to leave the village and it has to be during a time when Orochimaru's main base is at its weakest. And even if I do get there his scrolls would no doubt be protected in seals. I need to get around them.'

Daichi opened his eyes and sighed. He got up from his spot and went to the nearby pond. He watched the different fish calmly swimming through the cold waters.

'And it's not just techniques. I need a few other materials as well from his lab. I'm sure they would be there. But I have to infiltrate his lair and if possible make sure to keep my presence to a minimum.'

The Genin had been thinking about his next step and what to do to prepare and after a couple hours of internal debate he came to a conclusion.

'Sealing Arts. They're key to getting me to the top. I need to learn how to break protective seals on scrolls before I make my move. Maybe even some barrier destruction seal. But that's only the start. Sealing jutsu has limitless applications. If I can harness its true potential then I'll be able to deal with not only the Akatsuki but maybe even the Otsutsuki. Not that I'll let it get to that point. I'll have to find a way to seal Black Zetsu before the Pain arc. Sealing jutsu is fundamental for my growth.'

Daichi made the decision and went to find his grandfather. Kensei was in the living room enjoying tea and was reading a book when Daichi came in.

"Gramps, I've been thinking about this for a while now… And I've decided to start learning Sealing Jutsu." Daichi said.

The old ninja put the book down and looked at the Genin. "Learning the sealing arts isn't an easy task… But then again so is learning the Third step of water chakra nature and Medical ninjutsu but you did it… Are you sure you want to focus your energy on this instead of strengthening your other areas?"

"Yes." Daichi gave a firm nod and Kensei stood and motioned Daichi to follow him. The two quickly made their way to the man's library and Kensei began to take a few books and scrolls from the shelf. He handed them to his grandson and spoke.

"These will help you. Once you learn the basics you can become better at it with practice."

Daichi nodded and took the book and scrolls to his room. He closed the door and began his journey into the new field. He looked at the titles of the numerous books and scrolls.

'Basic sealing, Understanding sealing jutsu, Fundamentals of a seal & its functions and methods, Sealing Variables and Conditional logics, Specialized Sealing knowledge, Intermediate Sealing Skills, Advanced sealing arts…'

Daichi looked at the titles more carefully and a thought came to his mind. 'These titles… They remind me of computer programming… Hmm… Now that I think about it, this is similar to programming.'

Daichi had learned a bit about programming in his previous life due to his academy curriculum. He began comparing the two and found many similarities.

'Sealing jutsu in this universe is a type of ninja technique that involves sealing objects, living beings, chakra and other wide variety of materials into another object. This concept could be metaphorically compared to certain aspects of programming. But still this is just an abstract comparison.'

Daichi created a few shadow clones and began learning the contents in front of him. With his high Intelligence and Wisdom stats he was able to easily understand the new field of shinobi. josei

'I was right. There are many similarities. Each sealing jutsu in this world can be seen as a function or method in programming. A set of instructions designed to perform a particular task. Just like a function, a sealing jutsu has an input and an output. The input being what I want to seal and the output being the sealed object. And moreover, the seals can contain different things like weapons, materials or even a person. That's just like how variables in programming can hold different values. And some seals only activate under certain conditions and some have failsafes. That's just like Conditional Logic and Error Handling in programming…'

Daichi had a smile as he saw more and more similarities pop up in his mind. 'So this is why there aren't many sealing masters alive. Anyone can get the basics down and learn the easy stuff but creating seals that can manipulate space time techniques... That's like trying to build an AI program when you only have the basic knowledge to build an alarm program. The skills set required would be at a completely different level.'

"This will be a bit easier than we thought." One of the clones spoke.

The real Daichi nodded. "Yes. It will take some time but if I can understand the programming language and the functions and fundamentals then I'll be able to quickly learn this. And with time I'll be able to improve it."

Daichi and his clones read every word, every sentence and every page and committed them to memory. After an hour, he made his first sealing object. A simple storage scroll.

'The storage scroll is a simple item. As the name suggests, it can store certain items and materials but there are limitations. I can store Water and Fire from nature but not one created with the chakra of another person.'

Daichi placed a Shuriken on the scroll. He then poured a bit of chakra and the next second the weapon disappeared. Daichi waited a few moments and then concentrated on a different seal and placed a tiny bit of his chakra on that seal and the weapon reappeared.

"Looks like the storage scroll works." Daichi remarked to his clones with a grin.

[By learning the basics of Sealing and creating your first successful seal, you have acquired a new skill 'Sealing Arts'.]

[Sealing Art - Active(LV. 01): Sealing Art is a complex and advanced form of ninja technique used for various purposes. It involves the use of symbolic scripts and seals to control, manipulate, and contain different forms of energy and entities. This skill can be used to seal objects, living beings, chakra, along with a wide range of other things within another object or living being.]

Current Grade: Basic



[Chakra Sealing: This allows the user to seal away or lock the chakra of a target, effectively preventing them from using their abilities.]

[Entity Sealing: Powerful enough users can seal entities like Tailed Beasts within themselves or others.]

[Barrier Creation: Some seals can also create barriers or wards to protect a certain area or person.]

[Trap Activation: Certain seals can act as triggers for traps or other techniques, activating when a certain condition is met.]

[Seal Release: The ability to release previously sealed techniques or energy.]

[Attribute Manipulation: Some advanced sealing techniques can alter the properties of what they seal, such as altering the nature of sealed chakra.]


[Note: The effectiveness, range, and versatility of these abilities would largely depend on the user's knowledge, skill level, and amount of chakra. Mastery of Sealing Art requires significant study, practice, and innate talent. Advanced sealing techniques require significant knowledge, chakra control, and precision. As with all other jutsu, the constant use of these abilities would drain the user's chakra, with more complex and powerful seals requiring more energy to use.]


[Limitations: Some seals, especially ones involving powerful entities or large amounts of energy, may carry risks if improperly handled.

Sealing Art can be countered by someone with knowledge of the field or with specific counter-sealing techniques.]

The Genin smiled as he saw the details of the new skill. 'Time to level up this baby.'

He dispelled the clones and quickly used parallel processing and sorted through the memories. Several minutes later Daichi's sealing skills were already equal to someone who was very good at the basics and had a year or two of experience.


The next day Kakashi found Daichi in the training ground nose deep in a book while several clones meditated and trained their chakra control techniques. Kakashi came near the boy and took a closer look at the book Daichi was holding.

'Sealing Variables and Conditional Logics.'

The Jonin was surprised that Daichi was already trying to learn sealing jutsu along with his other tasks. 'If I remember right then those books come after someone has a firm understanding of the basics.'

"Morning Sensei." Daichi spoke looking up from the book. A second later he closed it and placed it in his pouch.

"Morning. You're trying to learn Sealing?"

"Yes. I've been thinking about this for a while now and I believe it's time."

"It's not an easy task. Only someone with the right intuition and high intelligence can master this art. It's not something you can learn overnight."

"I agree that learning Sealing jutsu isn't for everyone but I'll have to disagree with the other stuff." Daichi smirked and stood.

The Jonin teacher raised an eyebrow at that statement. 'Is he implying that he learned the basics in one night? Is he creating a storage scroll?'

The Jonin just watched as Daichi quickly took out a blank scroll and ink brush and began writing seals in it. In just a minute he finished his work and looked at his teacher.

Three new notifications popped up for Daichi as he completed the seals in his scroll.

[Enclosing Jutsu scroll created]

[Skill 'Sealing Arts' has leveled up.]

[Grade of the skill 'Sealing Arts' has evolved from Basic to Intermediate.]

"Sensei, I want you to send a Fireball jutsu my way." Daichi told the man and Kakashi could see that his student wasn't joking.

Curious to see the results of this experiment the Jonin didn't question it further and quickly went through the needed hand signs. Once he made the final seal he took a deep breath of air and exhaled a large flaming ball.

'Fire Style - Fireball jutsu.'

The flaming sphere swiftly made its way to the Genin who stood with the new scroll spread in front of him. Daichi gave the scroll some of his chakra and as the Fire reached the scroll it began to get absorbed into the paper.

Kakashi watched in surprise as in mere moments his fire jutsu disappeared into the scroll and the Kanji for Fire appeared in the center of the seals.

Daichi closed the scroll and put it back in his pocket.

"That's an Enclosing sealing scroll isn't it?" The Jonin asked, coming near the boy.


"That's impressive. I thought you were making a storage scroll."

"Storage scroll is the simplest sealing scroll that can be made. I made that an hour after I started learning how to create Sealing Jutsus." The Genin shrugged as he replied. "But this… Enclosing Sealing scroll can seal ninjutsu and release it when the user deems it. There are limitations of course but it's worth it. This is a much harder Sealing jutsu to create but it's an impressive one and shows one's talent in this field."

"You're telling me you learned the basics and now reached the intermediary stage of Sealing jutsu… in one night?"

"Well, I still have a long way to go but yes, essentially."

The Jonin just sighed and shook his head. 'I don't know if I should be impressed or scared of this kid's talent.'

"Let's just get on with the missions." The man said with a sigh and turned his attention back to his own reading material.

As they walked to the Hokage tower Daichi was thinking about which aspect of the Sealing arts he should master first and he quickly had an answer.

'I should learn how to see through trap seals and learn how to get past barrier seals. I'll also need to learn how to decipher codes and break through protective seals on scrolls. According to Amachi, Orochimaru has protective seals on important scrolls so I need to learn how to break them. If I can't then I'll have no choice but to steal them and it will alert Orochimaru that someone was inside his home and it will change things… I have several months. But still, I should learn them quickly. With high intelligence and Parallel Processing it should be easy to create new seals and level up this skill.'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre (No space)

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