The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 259

Chapter 259: Daichi's Mission & Naruto's Graduation

March 20. Tanzaku Town.

It was a few minutes past 9am and in Paradise Inn the meeting between the two corporations mediated by Ryoma, after several days were in its final stages. Daichi was standing guard in the room while Kakashi was outside keeping an eye on everyone.

Daichi stood in a corner of the room with his arms behind his back. He kept an eye on the other ninjas along with his client, but Daichi's mind drifted to his friends back in the Leaf village.

'The exams must have started by now. Unless I'm mistaken right now they're probably taking the written exam. Then comes the weapons test and then Taijutsu and finally Ninjutsu... Good Luck Naruto. Today is the day everything changes for you... I have to trust that whatever happens he'll pull through.'

Daichi let out a quiet sigh and focused his attention back on the mediator. After the drama and the reveal of the spy things have calmed down and after several hours of debate and discussion the two presidents decided to put aside their differences for the future of their family.

In this meeting it wasn't only the presidents and their advisors but also several family members were present.

The head of The Satoru Corporation, Tsuyoshi was about to speak when his eldest son Kazuki whispered a last-minute suggestion in his ear. Tsuyoshi nodded before he addressed the gathering, "Our main concern is about the distribution of responsibilities. We believe an alliance should distribute responsibilities based on the strengths of our businesses."

"What do you have in mind, Tsuyoshi?" Ryoma asked the man.

"We've always excelled in resource extraction and initial processing. If we focus on that, and have The Rising Sun corporation, with its refining and distribution capabilities, take over the latter stages, we could maximize efficiency and output."

The room is silent as everyone contemplates this suggestion. There was some nodding and a few thoughtful hums. It's a logical strategy, one that takes advantage of the strengths of each corporation while minimizing their weaknesses.

"We also propose the formation of a joint council, with representatives from both corporations, for decision making and resolving any disputes that may arise. This council would be the governing body of our alliance, ensuring decisions are made fairly and are in the best interest of both parties." The head patriarch and president of the Rising Sun corporation, Yamamoto Hideshi gave his thoughts.

The negotiations proceed smoothly, with both corporations putting forth their concerns, expectations, and plans. Ryoma managed the meeting and with several key ideas from his view the two companies agreed that an alliance at the very least would be greatly beneficial.

They also discussed the possibility of a merger. Ryoma looked at the two sides and spoke.

"So it's agreed. An alliance for now but your children Mika Satoru and Yamaha Hideshi will live in the capital and get to know each other. If they feel that they are compatible and happy with their relationship then they will marry and a merger between your two corporations will take place. But if not, the alliance between you two stands strong with the promise of no betrayal. Agreed?"

The two heads looked at each other and after a few seconds of tense silence, agreed. They slowly nodded their heads and turned their gaze towards their children.

Yamamoto looked at his youngest Son and nodded. 'If we hold on to old grudges, others could take advantage and destroy us. This is for the best.'

Tsuyoshi had his eyes on his youngest son who was silent throughout the whole meeting. He sighed inwardly and turned his attention to his daughter. 'Everything I've done, I've done for all of you. Whatever you decide I will stand by it my daughter.'

They agreed and they discussed other issues such as potential redundancies, maintaining the morale of their employees during the merger, and of course, the legal and financial implications of this alliance.

By noon everyone was in a broad agreement on the structure of the alliance, though several minor issues still needed to be ironed out. Still, the atmosphere is one of optimism - the first steps have been taken towards an alliance that could change the face of the Land of Fire's economy.

Paradise Inn.

At noon the negotiations between the two parties had come to an end. They agreed to meet at the capital next week and under the Third Minister the alliance would become official. After that the two children would temporarily move to the capital in the hope of creating a good relationship and thus a successful merger.

The two families thanked the mediator and soon they and their guards left the Inn.

After everyone was gone Ryoma looked at the owner of the Inn and smiled. "Thank you for the hospitality my friend. I know shutting down business here for several days was not an easy choice to make."

"Please, Lord Ryoma. It was our pleasure to host you and your guests. I do apologize for the inconveniences you faced. I hope you'll visit us again." Kotohaku said with a wide smile and humble posture.

"Haha… I'm well aware that it wasn't your fault. You were a gracious host. And I'll definitely be back. But next time it won't be for business. Haha…" Ryoma chuckled and gave the man a scroll. Kotohaku took the scroll with a wide smile and bowed.

Ryoma turned to his guards and gave a nod and soon Daichi, Kakashi and their client were on the road back towards the Capital. Soon they were out of Tanzaku Town making good time towards their destination.


"Well that went better than I thought it would." Daichi said as he looked at his client.

"Yes. The negotiations were in part made easier due to that spy. Those two may hate each other but ultimately they were forced to cease all hostility towards one another. It actually went smoother than I anticipated." Ryoma replied.

"I assume appropriate actions are going to be taken against the Silver wood Logging company?" Kakashi spoke.

Ryoma nodded. "Yes. It's come to Lord Taji's attention that they've been dabbling in some illegal activities. He'll take action once we get the information needed from his spy. I'm sure they're working on that even as we speak."

"Almost a decade of waiting and his plans go bust because he picked one wrong target. That's gotta sting." Daichi had a chuckle as he thought about that man's situation.josei

Ryoma had a smile when he heard that. He completely agreed with that sentiment. "Yes. He had no idea that the famed Kakashi Hatake and the prodigious Daichi Hekima were the ones guarding me. It was his bad luck I suppose."

The trio didn't encounter any more dangers or attacks on their way back. By around 4 pm they reached the Capital. While the two ninjas escorted their client to his home, Daichi was thinking about what was happening in the village.

'The Taijutsu exam must have been completed by the time we left Tanzaku Town. Sasuke took first place, I'm certain. Naruto has been training so I'm pretty sure he's not going to be the deadlast. I wonder how he did in the shuriken tests? Eh! I guess I'll find out once I get back.'

Daichi looked up at the sky and noted the position of the sun. 'It's a little past 4pm. Ninjutsu tests must have been done by now. The exams are completed… I just wish I knew how everything is going on over there.'


Leaf Village.

Ninja Academy: A couple hours ago.

Every student completed their Taijutsu exam and was back in their classroom. Iruka and Mizuki were going over the results of the Taijutsu exam and were in the process of ranking the examinees. The students had an hour before the final part of their exam began. The students in class chatted amongst their friends on how they did and most of the future rookies were no different.

"Shikamaru, Choji why didn't you two take part in the third match?" Ino asked with narrowed eyes and her hands on her hips.

Shikamaru who was trying to take a nap sighed. "Because it was pointless. I already got enough marks on the written exam and the shuriken test. And I did well in my first two matches. My grade would be much higher than usual and that's gonna be more than enough for my mom. And that's good enough for me. I'm not gonna do any more work." He closed his eyes and ignored Ino's exasperated groan.

"Argh! Such a lazy ass. And you Choji? What's your excuse?" Ino turned to the Akimichi who was munching on some chips.

"What (munch) Shikamaru said." Like his friend, Choji ignored Ino and turned his attention back to what took priority. Salted crunchy potato chips.

Ino looked at the two and just shook head. "I pity the person who's going to be on a team with you two."

Shikamaru, who was lying on his desk, eyes closed, slightly smirked. 'I have a feeling you're not going to like it when they announce the teams.'

"Well even if they didn't fight someone to improve their grades they didn't make a dumb decision and lose points like someone else." Sakura, who was near Ino, spoke looking at Naruto with crossed arms.

"Aw come on Sakura. I could have won that." Naruto whined as he applied the special healing cream Hinata gave him on some of the bruises on his arms.

"That's an Illogical statement Naruto. You lost the moment you picked Sasuke Uchiha as your opponent." Shino spoke as he examined the small fly on his fingertip.

"Yeah. Even a blind person could tell that you were going to lose that fight." Kiba said laughing.

"Um… I- I think you tried your best… Naruto." Hinata was very shy and spoke in a small voice. She looked at Naruto from the corner of her eyes and gave him a small smile.

"Thanks Hinata." Naruto beamed as the girl gave him compliments.

"You're coddling him too much Hinata. He won't learn not to pick a fight with someone who can kick his ass that way." Sakura said with a smirk. She knew about Hinata's crush and thought it was cute.

"Hey. I'll beat that jerk next time. After I become a Genin I'm gonna train hard and then I'm gonna kick his ass." Naruto said standing up from his seat. He turned to Sasuke and spoke. "Hear that. I'm gonna take you down in our rematch."

Sasuke was looking out the window and didn't even bother paying attention to whatever Naruto said. And it only made the blonde angrier.

"Naruto, sit down! The final part of the exam is about to begin." Iruka said from the front of the class and the blonde obediently sat in his spot. A few minutes later Iruka addressed his students.

"We've reached the final portion of the graduation exam. When your name is called, proceed to the testing room. Mizuki and I will be waiting. Your test will be on… The clone jutsu. Good luck everyone." Iruka left and soon the students were being called one by one.

"Kiba Inuzuka."

"Sweet. It's my turn." When Kiba's name was called he stood from his spot and grinned with excitement. "Good luck you guys."

"Come on. When are they gonna call me?" Naruto tapped his fingers on the desk and waited.

"Be patient Naruto. They'll call soon. There aren't many left." Sakura said but then turned to Sasuke's direction. 'Look at him sitting by the window so calm and cool…. Chaa! He looks so hot.'

Sakura's face turned red and she immediately shook her head to get rid of any distracting thoughts.

"Sasuke Uchiha." The Uchiha slowly stood from his spot and walked towards the door.

"Good luck Sasuke. You're gonna do great." Sakura said with a big smile.

The Uchiha simply glanced in her direction but didn't say or do anything else. There was no change in his expression as he looked at her.

'Chaa… He looked. He's so cool. I hope I'm on Sasuke's team.'

Naruto grumbled seeing Sakura's attention on his rival.

Several minutes later the next name was called. "Sakura Haruno."

"Good luck Sakura." Naruto said with a big smile and wave.

The pink haired kunoichi smiled at him but then her face turned serious. "Naruto you better not play any pranks and screw up. You hear?"

The blonde boy grinned and eagerly nodded his head. "Yup. Don't you worry. I'm definitely gonna pass. Believe it."

Sakura gave the boy a small smile after hearing that. Over the years she came to see him as a good friend. She would get annoyed by some of his antics but he was someone she cared about.

Around 10 minutes later the next name was called.

"Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto stood from his seat and took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 'Alright Naruto. Get it together. You can do this. You've been training your whole life for this. You can become a ninja. Believe it.'

He opened his eyes and made his way to the testing room.

"Alright Naruto. Make at least three identical clones." Iruka looked at the boy and spoke. He was concerned that Naruto might try a prank or something and get himself failed but seeing the boy's serious expression the Chunin relaxed. 'Come on Naruto. You can do this.'

Naruto brought his hands together and made the seal. 'Ninja art: Clone jutsu.'

Four clones were created in a puff of smoke. Iruka and Mizuki inspected the clones and found them all identical. Iruka smiled and sighed in relief. He had a big smile as he looked at Naruto.

"They're perfect. Congratulations Naruto. You've earned this." Iruka took a leaf headband and gave it to the boy.

"YES! FINALLY. YAHOO!" Naruto was giddy with joy and he immediately took the headband and tied it around his forehead.

"I'm a ninja now. Lookout world. Naruto Uzumaki is coming. Hahaha…" Naruto felt like he was atop the world.

"Alright alright calm down. You've trained hard this last year and it showed. Not only did you pass but surprisingly you're not the last in class."

"Yeah. That was a complete surprise for everyone." Mizuki said with a light chuckle.

"I really wanted to pass this exam. It was hard. But I did it." Naruto said, giving them a thumbs up.

"Yes. Yes you did. But you shouldn't slack off. Your real journey has only just begun." Iruka had a kind smile as he looked at the boy.

Naruto nodded with a grin. "Thanks for everything Iruka sensei."

"So Naruto, now that the exams are over, what are you gonna do?" Mizuki asked the boy with a smile.

"I'm gonna go over and celebrate at Ichiraku Ramen."

"Well, have fun. I gotta get back to work." Mizuki said and left the two.

"Hey Iruka sensei. You wanna come with me to celebrate?" Naruto asked the man.

The chunin shook his head. "No. I have plenty of work to complete here and need to send the reports to the Hokage. You go and have fun."

The blonde nodded and soon left the room with a Leaf ninja headband shining on his forehead.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre (No space)

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