The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: 2nd Dungeon Boss Battle

The platform rising from the ground was composed of white and red stones. They were arranged in a clover pattern. And on top of it was a menacing 6 foot figure wearing a black worn out cloak. Daichi immediately used 'observe' on his final opponent.

[LV. ??][Raidon]

[HP: ??] [CP: ??]

[A semi intelligent humanoid puppet created by the dungeon. This puppet activates after every ninja in the dungeon is destroyed. It is the strongest puppet and the boss of this dungeon. It has 100 minion puppets and can command them to attack the enemy. This puppet is capable of using Ninjutsu attacks and is proficient in Taijutsu. Favors lightning nature. It wants to kill you.]

A humanoid puppet with a powerful physique stood on the platform. Its face was devoid of everything except the eyes in the shape of two small horizontal slits.

Daichi scrutinized his enemy. It had bulky arms but lean legs. The body was a combination of wood and metal. Its joints, arms and legs were metal but its chest and lower torso were made of wood. Bright blue eyes looked at Daichi as he looked at it.

'What the hell? Why can't I see how much HP and CP this thing has? Is it far beyond my level? Does that mean I can't win?'

Doubts slowly formed in Daichi's mind. But he quickly calmed down and regained his composure.

'You can do this. Keep your head in the fight Daichi. It's just a dumb puppet. You can win.'

Only a couple seconds passed with both of them staring at each other but then the puppet made its first move. It raised its left hand with the palm facing Daichi.

[You have sensed killing intent.]

'What are you up to?' Daichi's mind came up with several attack scenarios and he prepared himself.

The next instant Daichi barely dodged a water blast aimed at the middle of his head. A small thin but powerful water blast was coming out of the puppets' raised hand. Daichi dodged and looked at the puppet. Daichi could hear the trees and rocks getting destroyed behind him. He saw a small round opening in the middle of the palm and the water jutsu coming out of it.

The puppet Raidon, seeing that his prey had evaded the attacks, stopped the water blast and then raised both hands.

Blue lines of light came to life on its arms from its elbow to its wrists. It then spoke a single word.


'Da faq?' Daichi was gobsmacked as he looked at the puppet. 'It can talk?... And why am I getting a strong solo leveling vibe?'

The ground all around them started shaking and within seconds from the earth came dozens and dozens of puppets. Daichi jumped back and gained some distance from the new foes. The new puppets were around 5 feet tall and didn't look as strong as their leader.

"So these must be Raidon's minions. Observe."

[LV. 25][004]

[HP: 2500] [CP: 2500]

[A puppet under the command of Raidon.] josei

[LV. 25][073]

[HP: 2500] [CP: 2500]

[A puppet under the command of Raidon.]

[LV. 25][020]

[HP: 2500] [CP: 2500]

[A puppet under the command of Raidon.]

Daichi used the skill 'observe' on several of the new puppets. 'It looks like except for the name, everything else is the same for all of them.'

'Looks like I'll have to take out these guys before I deal with the boss.'

Daichi didn't waste time and rushed towards the nearest one. His speed and strength were much greater than the minion puppets and he was able to easily destroy them.

[Enemy killed.]

+200 Exp.

+30 Exp.

All the other puppets got into action and started attacking Daichi.

The battle began between Daichi and the smaller puppets. He ducked and weaved through the punches aimed his way and smashed the puppets. It broke apart quickly due to Daichi's immense strength. His senses alerted him to a stream of fire headed his way. Daichi used substitution on a nearby puppet and escaped.

'So using substitution on my enemies is possible huh. I needed to confirm that.'

As the battle progressed Daichi made several notes on his enemies. Each minion puppets could only use one type of Ninjutsu attack and there are several seconds delay after each attack. And they can turn their arms into bladed weapons.

Daichi blocked a blade with his tanto and sent a powerful punch to the head blasting it apart.

[Enemy killed.]

+200 Exp.

+30 Exp.

'10 down. 90 more to go. Time to speed this up.'

Daichi created two shadow clones and all of them went through several hand-seals.

'Fire Style - Great Fireball Jutsu.'

'Fire Style - Dragon Fire Jutsu.'

'Fire Style - Phoenix Fire Jutsu.'

Flames rushed in every direction and engulfed dozens of puppets. In seconds several of them exploded and were destroyed while others burned to the ground.

[Enemy killed.]

+200 Exp.

+30 Exp.

[Enemy killed.]

+200 Exp.

+30 Exp.





[Enemy killed.]

+200 Exp.

+30 Exp.

The kill confirm boxes kept piling up. The clones went off to battle the remaining puppets while Daichi refocused his attention back to the boss.

'I need to play this smart. I can't read its level, HP or CP. That means this thing is much stronger than the ones I've faced just now. Can't make any rash mistakes.'

Daichi went through the hand seals for his lightning overdrive jutsu. With his body coated in small lightning currents Daichi sped to the enemy.

Daichi sent a lightning fast punch to the center of his opponent's head. But something unexpected happened. Lightning burst forth from his enemy and he blocked Daichi's attack. The puppet stopped Daichi's powerful momentum in his tracks.

The moment they made contact a small boom occurred and the force of the impact created small winds blowing all around them.

[You have sensed killing intent.]

Daichi's eyes widened in realization. 'Shit! This thing can either copy my moves or it can already use lightning to increase its speed.'

The boss puppet Raidon punched Daichi but the boy blocked the fist with both arms. They began their battle with both of them attacking and defending against enemy onslaught.

The bottom half of Raidon's face lowered. And from its open mouth several volley of small kunais were launched. Daichi used Body Flicker to increase his speed and evade the attacks. Both of them rushed at each other. Fists met fists and knuckles met knuckles as neither one backed down.

At that moment memories from one of his clones came and Daichi inwardly smiled. All of the minion puppets have been destroyed and now only the boss remains. Daichi now had a plan in mind. He dodged another kick coming towards him and used chakra threads to contain his enemy. The moment the threads connected and stopped the enemy's movements, the clone who was hiding behind him came. In a second it sent a strong powerful punch to the back of Raidon's head and was able to shatter the wooden skull.

'That was easy.'

Daichi thought as he looked towards his headless enemy. Raidon fell on his knees and then a second later fell forward onto the ground. Seeing the plan work, Daichi's clone let go of the shadow clone jutsu and disappeared.

'Its over?? That was a lot easier than I expected.' As Daichi was thinking about this, a thought suddenly came to his mind.

'Wait. If I defeated him then why haven't I gotten the notification yet?' As Daichi was pondering this question something unexpected happened. The shattered pieces of the head moved as if it had a life of its own and rejoined the body. Once its head was reattached it stood up and looked at Daichi.

"What the freaking hell? Is this thing immortal?"

As Daichi was freaking out lightning coated Raidon's body and the puppet boss rushed at the small boy. Daichi took out his dagger and tanto and they began their second round of battle.

Lightning condensed and coated the puppets' right hand and the current suddenly blitzed towards Daichi.

Daichi used chakra enhancement to augment his speed and strength. And due to the buffs of using bladed weapons his speed increased by a considerable margin. It was only due to these conditions that he was able to avoid the lightning attack. The spot where the lightning struck charred.

Daichi evaded several strikes from the lightning and sent several volley of fireballs as retaliation. Both the puppet and the boy dodged and resumed their hand to hand combat.

[Skill Combat Arts's level has risen by one.]

[Skill Leaf Academy Taijutsu's level has risen by one.]

As the battle progressed Daichi's skills leveled up and before long he found an opening and slashed at the enemy's torso.

The puppet jumped back and gained some distance. It was what Daichi was waiting for. He quickly threw his weapons a few feet into the air and created 2 shadow clones. Daichi then used the lightning overdrive jutsu and caught his falling weapons.

Daichi and his 2 clones dodged the water and fire blasts coming from the enemy puppet. They surrounded it and started attacking from all sides. The puppet, while strong and fast, was not able to successfully defend against three enemies at the same time.

One of Daichi's clones used his chakra threads to limit Raidon's movements and the next moment the clones sent several strong punches from the back while Daichi used chakra flow on his weapons and cut through from the front. Both of them attacked ferociously and destroyed the entire upper body of the puppet.

What was left of it fell to the ground. Daichi was waiting for the completion notification box but seeing it not appear he quickly realized that his job was not done.

Daichi watched as the puppet started putting itself back together.

"Not this time."

He quickly weaved through hand-seals and let out a flaming ball where the puppet lay. Watching the original Daichi attack the fallen puppet, the two clones joined as well. Several wind bullets and streams of flames were let loose and impacted the fallen enemy.

The three didn't let up and continued attacking for a while before stopping. The ground was a burning smoldering mess. The puppet was charred. As Daichi looked he still didn't get a notification.

'What the hell? Why is it still not dead? What do I have to do?'

As Daichi was frustrated at the lack of victory his eyes suddenly caught something shining. It was a small pebble like blue stone in the middle of the charred ground. Daichi walked towards it and picked it up. He felt chakra coming from it and quickly used 'observe'.

[Raidon's Core.]

[This special sphere was created to supply near limitless chakra to the puppet Raidon. With this core the puppet can fight forever and regenerate its lost parts.]

'So that's the secret huh.' Daichi, having an understanding of what was going on, looked closely at the chakra sphere.

'Can I take this with me? A near limitless chakra sphere would come in handy.'

As Daichi pondered on this question he could feel the sphere shaking in his hand and Daichi could see several wooden and metal debris coming towards him. Daichi tried to place it in his inventory but the action was denied.

"It's trying to form its body again."

Letting out a sigh, Daichi closed his fist around the small sphere. It was a sturdy small ball and Daichi had to use quite a bit of force before cracks started appearing. And seconds later he crushed it. The core turned to dust the moment it broke and the wooden and metal debris coming towards Daichi fell to the ground.

[You have defeated the boss Raidon.]

[Enemies killed: 168/168]

[+1600 Exp.]

[+240 Exp.]

[You have leveled up.]

[Reward: Skill 'Lightning style - Lightning Strike Jutsu'.]

[Quest 'Destroy all enemies' Completed.]


[New Skill: Mana puppetry.]

[New Title: Executioner. (This title will increase all your stats by 7% when fighting enemy ninjas.)]

[Ryo 375,000.]

[10000 Exp.]

[You have successfully defeated every enemy in this dungeon. You have been granted access to the return key. ]

Just as Daichi expected, the golden key appeared in front of him as soon as he cleared the dungeon. Daichi was in a much better condition compared to the last time he was in the dungeon.

He took the key and used 'Observe' on it.

[Dungeon exit Key.]

[With this key the player can open the exit door and can leave the dungeon. Key valid for only 24 hours in dungeon time. Once the key becomes invalid, the door will be locked and the player will be trapped inside the dungeon forever.] [Time remaining: 23:59:30]

"Just as I thought. So each time I finish a dungeon I have 24 hrs to get out huh."

Daichi looked around the place. He spent over 2 weeks fighting for his life here. He let out a sigh and opened his map. Daichi decided that he would rest and check his stats and skills in his home rather than here.

Once Daichi ascertained the location of the entrance door he left the place. He quickly reached the door and placed the golden key inside.

'Time to go home.'

[You have used the return key. Would you like to leave this dungeon?]



The door opened and as Daichi stepped into the hallway he was teleported back to his home.

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