The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: Powerful Growth

Daichi appeared in his bed. He looked at the clock nearby and saw that only 4 seconds had passed.

'This is really convenient. I spent over 2 weeks there and only 3 seconds had gone by here. Time to check out my rewards.'

Daichi opened the status page and saw that his cash reserves as well as stat points had increased significantly. He then saw the newest title. Daichi clicked on it and the information popped up.

[Executioner. (This title will increase all your stats by 7% when fighting enemy ninjas.)]

"A very useful title indeed. I'll have to find ways to get more titles. It looks like they'll be able to increase my battle prowess by a large margin."

Daichi opened the status page next. Many skills had increased several levels thanks to the dungeon battles. He wanted to go through each and every one of them and see how far they had improved.


Daichi's current list of skills opened up. He went through each one and noted their improvement.

His eyes landed on the skill Observe. 'Looks like 'observe' has increased. But I still only see the level, HP, CP and info on my enemies and not their physical stats… Seems I'll have to increase it beyond level 50 or more to get that Info.'

He moved on to the next skills with great improvement. 'Seems all the training these last several months and the battles inside the dungeon helped with the Basic Body conditioning skill. It's already level 64. But I feel that the progress will slow down soon.'

Daichi went down the list. He stopped on the Minor Jutsu creation skill. 'I haven't used this skill as much as I wanted to. I'll need to get on this as soon as I finish the shape transformation training.'

He moved on and looked over the increase in the various sense skills. 'I'll have to get my senses to level 50. I wonder what an evolved skill would be like?' Since superior Sight is close to level 50 I'll focus on that first.'

Daichi went over the effects of the academy Taijutsu skill next. "Wow. My Taijutsu skill level went way up. I doubt any genin or even chunin will be able to fight me in straight hand to hand combat now."

'My Shurikenjutsu is close to Max level. I'll be able to level it to 100 by the end of the next dungeon run.'

'Physical endurance has reached level 57. It seems my damage reduction has increased greatly. And coupled with the damage reduction of the other skills I'll take very little damage from blunt attacks from enemies on my level or below me. But the effects of the damage reduction skills decreases the higher level my opponent is and if they have bladed weapons.'

Daichi moved down the list. He stopped at the skill chakra threads. "Ahh one of my favorite skills. Since it's reached level 70 I'll have to start adding different applications to this technique. Soon I'll be able to add Nature to this skill. Then it'll be truly awesome."

As Daichi moved on and went down the list he saw the three basic academy jutsus. "Seems I haven't been practicing two of the academy jutsus as much as I should. I need to practice the rope escape and transformation jutsu more and Max them."

The next skill he went over in detail was the sword mastery skill. Daichi's sword mastery skill has now reached level 21. "Hmm… This skill definitely saved my ass more than a dozen times. But still… Should I be a weapons type fighter or not?... Questions for later I suppose."

Daichi then noted the level of his tree walking technique. 'I'll have to Max this skill as soon as I can and then complete the water walking skill as well. After that I can focus on the Shape transformation and Nature transformation training of chakra.'

'The Ozark's Resilience skill is a powerful skill that I need to level up as fast as possible. A 14% increase in stats for 45 seconds. That's not a small effect and it's only level 7 right now. But it only activates when my HP falls below 20. I deliberately let some attacks land on me during some fights in the dungeon to increase this thing. And I didn't like it at all. Is there another way to increase the level of this??'

Daichi pondered on this for a little while before moving on to the next skill.

Daichi looked over the Mana Affinity and Telekinesis skill. "Need to start training this skill actively. Don't know when it might come in handy."

He went down the list and reached the affinity skills. "Hmm. So earth, fire and lightning are the three natures I'm frequently using huh… I suppose that explains their increase over the other two natures. I can use earth for defense or escape jutsus while fire for attacking. And lightning can be switched with offense or defense. I'll leave it like that for now."

Daichi then reached the last skill on the list. "Mana puppetry!? Implant suggestions??" Daichi clicked on the latest skill he received.

[Mana puppetry - Active (LV. 01): This skill allows the user to control various animals and humans with mental commands. Mana is used to implant suggestions or orders into the target's mind and the user can control them as they see fit. Since this skill is Mana based, Chakra defenses and seals will be useless against it. ]

[Note: At the current level you can only implant a simple suggestion into human targets and your mental strength is not strong enough to actively control them. But with training and at higher levels this limitation can be removed.]

[Effects: Can implant suggestions into a target's mind.

MP cost: 800/ Target]


Daichi couldn't help but shout as he read the skill. His eyes widened like dinner plates as he understood the implications of the skill.

'This is the equivalent of Shisui Uchiha's Mangekyō Sharingan abilities…'

Daichi's mind boggled at the ideas that suddenly came to him. He forcefully calmed himself and looked over the skill.

"According to this, right now with this skill, I can only implant suggestions and not active control. And furthermore even after I develop this skill, there is no way it wouldn't have further limitations. I'll have to test this out and see what it's capable of to determine the full power of this skill."

Daichi made the decision to test out the skill after a few days.

"I'll test it on some wild animals first and then test and check the effects on humans."

After he made the decision he opened the jutsu list. He wanted to see the details of the newest lightning jutsu he got.

[Lightning Style - Lightning Strike - Active(LV.1): This jutsu allows the user to create an electric current that can hit multiple people at the same time. Additionally it can extend to incredible distances and can even avoid obstacles.]

[Rank: C.]

[Type: Ninjutsu.]

[Hand Seals: Tiger - Snake - Dog.]

[CP Cost: 260 Per use.]

[Note: Current Range is 2 meters. Once the user has become more proficient in using the jutsu and lightning nature chakra, this limitation can be removed.]

"A Decent attack jutsu. Not bad. Time to check out my status page."


[Name : Daichi Hekima (The Gamer)]

[Class : Student]

[Age : 7]

[Title : Capable Child, Explorer, Prodigy, Beast Slayer, Apprentice Dungeon Warrior, Executioner.]

[Level : 37 (150/37250)]


HP : 3960

CP : 6532.2

SP : 3750

MP : 2395


[Primary Stats]

Strength - 85

Vitality - 81

Dexterity - 80

Agility - 83

Intelligence - 105

Chakra - 107

Wisdom - 55


[Special Stats]

Sense - 81

Stamina - 98

Indomitable - 14

Charisma - 40

Persistence - 15

Dignity (LOCKED) josei



[Stat Points - 510]

[Ryo - 627000]

"A little over 37000 exp for the next level up… Looks like the exp requirement is going up as I expected. I'll have to focus on improving my stats then… 2 more points in Stamina stat and I'll probably get a new skill. Most probably a passive one."

Daichi looked at the special and then the primary stat points. He decided he would raise all of the primary stats above 100 points. His eyes focused on the last two special stats.

"Dignity and Luck. Damn it! It's been 3 years and I still haven't unlocked these two. I have a theory as to how the Dignity stat might be unlocked but that would take years. And the Luck stat…"

Daichi let out a tired sigh. 'Damn it, I've tried everything I could think of. I learned gambling from the old man although he wasn't very happy that I learned it at such a young age. I tried flipping coins and tried to predict the outcome. I tried to predict the lotto and it didn't get me anywhere. And several other methods that came to my mind but nothing's worked so far… What do I have to do??'

Daichi let out another sigh. "I'll deal with it later. Can't do anything about it now I suppose." He started adding stat points.

[Primary Stats]

Strength - 85 => 101

Vitality - 81 => 101

Dexterity - 80 => 101

Agility - 83 => 101

Intelligence - 105 => 111

Chakra. - 107 => 110

Wisdom - 55 => 101

"Looks like I needed to add 130 stat points."

[Stat Points - 380]

[HP : 6728]

[CP : 7010.7]

[SP : 4045]

[MP : 4310]

"Oh yeah!! My points are way up… Chakra is still the highest with HP coming second. And SP is the lowest. But I have a feeling that once my stamina stat rises over 100 that won't be the case."

At that moment several blue boxes started appearing.

[Strength stat has reached 100. You have gained the passive skill Giant's Strength.]

[Vitality stat has reached 100. You have gained the passive skill Life Recovery.]

[Dexterity stat has reached 100. You have gained the passive skill Lithe Body.]

[Agility stat has reached 100. You have gained the passive skill Swiftness.]

[Wisdom stat has reached 100. You have gained the passive skill Hermit's Wisdom.]

"OH MAN!!! I feel so strong."

Daichi clenched his hands as he felt the strength and chakra in his body increase. He punched forward and he could feel the force of his strength flowing through him. Daichi started checking out the new passive skills.

[Giant's Strength - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the Player when the strength stat has reached 100. This skill passively increases the strength of your body and the damages dealt to an enemy. It also reduces damage taken by the user's body. Giant's Strength is a skill that's obtained and maxed. ]

"I definitely feel much more powerful. I need to see just how strong I am soon." Daichi closed the Giant's Strength skill window and opened the next one.

[Life Recovery - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the Player when the vitality stat has reached 100. The recovery ability of your body has been increased by 5 times. You can regain HP at a much faster rate. This skill also reduces the sleep time needed to restore your body down to 4.5 hours. Increases the HP of the user. Life Recovery is a skill that's obtained and maxed. ]

"I feel like I'm becoming a tank fighter. The ability to take tons of damage and now my insane recovery speed. This will definitely help me in the tough situation to come."

[Lithe Body - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the Player when the dexterity stat has reached 100. This skill increases the evasion rates, balance and weapons handling of the user. Accuracy of several skills are increased by multiple times depending on the skills. Lithe Body is a skill that's obtained and maxed. ]

"Hmm… Evasion, accuracy, balance and weapons handling huh. Nice. It seems my shurikenjutsu, sword mastery and other such skills can be leveled up even faster."

[Swiftness - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the Player when the agility stat has reached 100. This skill passively increases the movement speed of the body by 5 times. Swiftness is a skill that's obtained and maxed. ]

"I could always use more speed. With this I'll be able to dodge and land multiple strikes within seconds. And with this speed I can use 'Linked kills strikes' skill more often." Closing the swiftness skill page, he opened the last one.

[Hermit's Wisdom - Passive (LV. MAX): A passive skill given to the Player when wisdom stat has reached 100. This skill strengthens the mind and increases the Mana powers of the user. Effects and strength of Mind skills are increased. This skill also helps the user cope with the negative side effect of the skill Absolute Recall. Increases Mana Points of the user. Hermit's Wisdom is a skill that's obtained and maxed.]

"Seems wisdom also greatly helps with Mana abilities. I have to test them soon… Hmm… Looks like I don't have to worry about the negative side effects of the Recall skill. That's good."

Daichi went through all the skills. He was very happy with his progress and growth.

"Each day brings me closer and closer to my goal. Soon I won't have to fear anyone."

Daichi closed the notification boxes and status page. Daichi got up from his bed and stretched his body. He could clearly feel the changes that happened. He went to get freshened up and then feeling hungry, he went downstairs to get something to eat.


[Author's Note]

Yes yes, before you guys start cursing my name, I know! This was already a way too long dungeon and you guys are in no mood for another system update related chapter. I get it!

But please bear with me. This chapter is the last one with such a focus on the skills and gamer aspect in the story for at least another 30 chapters.

The plot will move forward From the next chapter onwards. Well… Daichi will make some important training plans in the next chapter and then the plot picks up after that and it picks up steam. Stay tuned.



1. Gamer's Mind - Passive (LV. MAX)

2. Gamer's Body - Passive (LV. MAX)

3. Gaia's Blessing - Passive (LV. MAX)

4. Observe - Active (LV.43)

5. Dishwashing - Passive (LV.51)

Effects: 87.5% increase in speed when dishwashing.

6. Meditate - Active (LV. 58)

Effects : 116% Increase to base HP regeneration per minute.

116% Increase to base CP regeneration per minute.

116% Increase to base SP regeneration per minute.

7. Basic Body Conditioning - Passive (LV. 64)

Effects: 72% Increase in Damage inflicted.

73% Increase in Movement speed.

25% Increase in Physical stat growth.

50% Decrease in Damage taken.

8. Mini-map

9. Inventory

10. Chakra Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.66)

11. Chakra Affinity - (Passive/Active) (LV.57)

Effects: 25% growth rate of Chakra stat.

60% Strength increase to all chakra-based skills.

58% Defense increase against chakra-based attacks.

45% Increase to maximum CP.

-28% CP cost to all chakra based skills.

12. Chakra regeneration - Passive (LV.54)

Effects: Regeneration Increased by 89% of base CP.

15% Increase in Regeneration speed.

25% Growth rate of Chakra stat.

Note: Meditation increases CP regeneration to 108%.

13. Minor Jutsu Creation - Active (LV.8)

Effects: 22% Success rate to create new Ninjutsu.

22% Success rate to create new Genjutsu.

-14% CP requirements for new Jutsu created.

14. Leaf concentration technique - (Active/Passive) (LV. MAX)

Effects: 200% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 1/sec.

-50% CP cost to chakra techniques.

15. Superior Tasting - Active (LV. 30)

Effects: 60% Increase in taste

CP cost : 1/sec.

16. Superior Hearing - Active (LV.43)

Effects: 86% Increase in hearing

CP cost : 2/sec.

17. Superior Smell - Active (LV. 40)

Effects: 80% Increase in smell.

CP cost : 1/sec.

18. Superior Sight - Active(LV. 46)

Effects: 92% Increase in sight.

CP cost : 2/sec.

19. Leaf Academy Taijutsu - Active (LV.65)

Effects: 89% Increase in attack power.

87% Increase in defense.

91% Increase in speed

78% Decrease in damage taken.

20. Shurikenjutsu - Active(LV.93)

Effects: 97.3% Increase in accuracy.

92.1% Increase in damage dealt.

21. Physical Endurance - Passive (LV.57)

Effects: 51.4% Decrease in damage taken.

22. Strong Hit - Active (LV.43)

Effects: 62% Increase in critical rate.

75% Increase in damage inflicted to the enemy.

61% Increase in attack speed.

SP Cost: 7 per hit.

23. Cooking - Active(LV.25)

Effects: 50% Increase in taste and aroma of dish.

50% Increase in plating technique.

24. Painting - Passive (LV.16)

Effects: +38% Increase in visual appeal.

+42% Increase of accuracy in painting.

25. Chakra Threads - Active(LV.70)

Effects: 140% Increase in thread control.

140% Increase in thread speed

CP cost: 2/sec for single thread.

26. Sprint - Active (LV.50)

Effects: 75% Increase in running speed.

SP cost: 28 SP per minute.

27. Rope Escape Jutsu - Active (LV.15)

Effects: 30% Increase in success when escaping bindings.

28. Clone Jutsu - Active (LV.80)

Effects: 75% Accuracy Increase when creating identical clones.

CP cost: 35 CP per clone.

29. Transformation Jutsu - Active(LV.30)

Effects: 60% Increase in accuracy and details when transforming.

CP cost: 10 CP per transformation.

30. Mana Manipulation - (Active/Passive) (LV.03)

31. Sword Mastery - Passive (LV.21)

Note: This skill requires a sword to activate.

Effects: 42% Additional damage when striking the target.

Marks target with damage and negative debuffs.

42% Increase in attack speed.

32. Vital Strike - Active (LV.40)

Effects: 57% Additional damage when hitting target.

Marks target with damage and negative debuffs.

22% Increase in attack speed.

33. Tree walking technique - (Active/Passive) (LV.80)

Effects: 160% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 4/sec.

-52.8% CP cost to chakra techniques.

34. Danger Sense - Passive (LV.32)

Effects: Current range - 80 meters.

35. Death blow - Active (LV.22)

Effects: 184% Additional attack Damage to the enemy.

30% Increase in attack speed.

30% Increase in critical rate.

36. Water walking technique - (Active/Passive) (LV.88)

Effects: 176% Increase in chakra control.

CP cost : 5/sec.

27.9% Decrease CP cost to chakra techniques.

37. Chakra Sense - Active (LV.25)

Effects: Current Range - 70 meters.

CP Cost : 10/meter.

38. Ozark's Resilience - Active (LV.07)

Effects: 14% Increase in Strength, Vitality and Agility stats for 45 seconds when HP falls below 20%.

Cooldown time: 8 hours.

39. Killing intent - Active (LV.15)

Effects: Enemies with a (+ or -)3 level gap between the user are paralysed for 30 seconds.

Enemies less than 4 levels and below the user are struck with terror and paralysed for 40 seconds as well as 10% reduction of their physical stats.

40. Dual Wielding Mastery - Passive (LV.19)

Effects: Passively increases the player's minimum and maximum melee Damage, Critical rate and Balance.

19% increase to Damage inflicted.

19% Increase in attack speed.

41. Water affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.11)

Effects: 22% Increase in water attack jutsu.

22% Increase in water defense jutsu.

10% Increase in success when creating water style jutsu.

5% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using water style jutsu.

42. Wind affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.13)

Effects: 26% Increase in wind attack jutsu.

26% Increase in wind defense jutsu.

8.8% Increase in success when creating wind style jutsu.

5.3% Decrease in Chakra Cost when using wind style jutsu.

43. Mana Affinity - (Passive/Active) (LV.06):

Effects: 12% Strength increase to all Mana-based skills.

-4% MP cost to all Mana based skills.

44. Telekinesis - Active (LV.04)

Effects: 8% Increase in Mana attacks.

8% Increase in Mana defenses.

2% Decrease in Mana cost.

45. Fire affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.20)

Effects: 40% Increase in fire attack jutsu.

40% Increase in fire defense jutsu.

17% Increase in success when creating fire style jutsu.

11% Decrease in Chakra cost when using fire style jutsu.

46. Earth affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.24)

Effects: 48% Increase in earth attack jutsu.

48% Increase in earth defense jutsu.

40% Increase in success when creating earth style jutsu.

20% Decrease in Chakra cost when using earth style jutsu.

47. Lightning affinity - (Active/Passive) (LV.18)

Effects: 36% Increase in Lightning attack jutsu.

36% Increase in Lightning defense jutsu.

15.8% Increase in success when creating Lightning style jutsu.

8.7% Decrease in Chakra cost when using Lightning style jutsu.

48. Superior Touch - Active(LV. 10)

Effects: +16% Increase in Skin sensitivity.

CP cost : 20/sec.

49. Chakra Enhancement - Active (LV.20)

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill and increase in abilities, depends on the chakra supplied.]

Effects: Increase the attack and defense power.

Increase Strength, Stamina, Agility and Vitality.

Decrease the damage taken.

50. Chakra Flow - Active (LV.16)

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill, depends on the chakra supplied.]

Effects: 38% Strength increase to the object.

38% Increase in chakra flow.

8% Decrease in chakra cost.

51. Creation - Active (LV.03)

[Note: The chakra cost of the skill, depends on the chakra supplied.]

Effects: 16.5% Chance when creating Common grade items.

1% Chance when creating Rare grade items.

0% Chance when creating Unique grade items.

0% Chance when creating Legendary grade items.

0% Chance when creating Mythical grade items.

52. Unyielding Spirit - Passive (LV. MAX)

53. Shadow Clone Jutsu - Active (LV.10)

Effects: Chakra usage depends on the user of the jutsu.

CP cost: 490 CP/Clone

54. Body Flicker Technique - Active (LV.19)

Effects: 38% Increase in Mobility.

CP cost: 50 CP

55. Absolute Recall - Passive (LV. MAX)

56. Combat Arts - Passive (LV.6)

Effects: 12% Increase in Damage inflicted.

12% Increase in Movement speed.

57. Linked Kill Strikes - Active (LV.5)

Effects: 5% Increase in Agility.

10% Increase in damage when using swords, daggers or other sharp weapons.

(n+1)% Increase in damage dealt for each additional strike. 'n' represents the last consecutive attack landed on the enemy.

58. Absolute Chakra Mastery - Passive (LV. MAX)

59. Light Steps - Passive/Active (LV.02)

Effects: Increases balance of the user when in unstable and dangerous terrain.

6% Increase in movement speed.

60. Mana puppetry - Active (LV. 01)

Effects: Can implant suggestions into a target's mind.

MP cost: 800/ Target

61. Giant's Strength - Passive (LV. MAX)

62. Life Recovery - Passive (LV. MAX)

63. Lithe Body - Passive (LV. MAX)

64. Swiftness - Passive (LV. MAX)

65. Hermit's Wisdom - Passive (LV. MAX)

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